Y.O.U. Stories

'The World inside the Library' A Personal Account from Intern Kionna Byous!
My internship experience exposed me to this wonderful atmosphere and community. It showed me that there is so much more to the library than a quiet place to read. It is the place that has taught me professionalism, leadership, patience, and other necessary skills for success in the workforce.

PEEKE – Y.O.U.’s New Internship Program
Y.O.U. will offer a new, selective internship program: PEEKE (Partnerships, Exploration, Experience, Knowledge, Excellence).
The experience will accept 30 high school juniors, who maintain a 3.0 GPA or higher, live in Cuyahoga County, and wish to learn more about one of their potential career interests and gain professional work experience.

Y.O.U. ProPath Internship Program
Every year area students gain valuable work experience through Y.O.U.’s ProPath Internship Program. This summer 12 youth are interning at five different companies across the city obtaining valuable understanding of careers as diverse as Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, Business, Management, & Administration, Health and Science Technology, Arts, and Communication.