Y.O.U. visits Lincoln Electric!

Participants from our PEEKE Internship Program recently had an opportunity to visit Lincoln Electric with our staff. The purpose of the tour was for our interns to hear the overview of the company and to see the many career opportunities available to them at Lincoln Electric’s Headquarters located in Euclid. They were given a tour through the Machine Division. The second part of the tour took place in their welding technology and training center tour with a VRTEX 360, a virtual welding trainer device.

When the group arrived they were greeted by Jessica Pitino, Customer Experience Associate Coordinator and Ryan Ellis, Recruiting Manager. Ryan provided a thorough overview of the company’s career opportunities.

In addition to pairing our interns with experiences aligned with their career interest our staff also work diligently to provide our interns with diverse exposure to a variety of other careers and disciplines. “It was an awesome trip,” said Y.O.U. staff member Janet Mack. We are excited about this new partnership and the new careers that our participants had a chance to learn about.


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