JRT Participants apply for careers with AT&T!

Young adults from our Job Readiness Training (JRT) recently attended a panel discussion about “Life at AT&T.” Participants had an opportunity to interact with AT&T staff and learn about open positions and benefits available to employees. The panel of AT&T Professionals were candid about their roles and spoke to the diverse opportunities available within the organization. “There is so much you can do with our organization,” said one of the AT&T Panelist, “if you start in one position and decide that you want to explore something else there is room for that within AT&T,” she added. The line up of speakers were comprised of AT&T managers and human resource and sales professionals. Interested attendees were able to apply for jobs on the spot and were guided through the application process by AT&T staff. Panelists were excited to engage with our participants and even stayed after to join in small group conversations providing additional feedback. Our JRT attendees were enthused about the prospect of joining such a reputable organization. Many thanks to AT&T for taking the time to talk with our young adults. We look forward to hosting more sessions like this. “Life at AT&T” was a success.


Former Participant visits Y.O.U.


Y.O.U. visits Lincoln Electric!