Former Participant visits Y.O.U.

Former Job’s for Ohio’s Graduates (JOG) Participant Zharia Horn recently attended our Staff Summit and had a candid conversation with our CEO Craig Dorn about her experience with Y.O.U. Zharia is a recent graduate of Cleveland Metropolitan School District and a recipient of Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG) 2019 Student Leader of the Year Award. During the conversation, Zharia was transparent about her struggles and attributed her success to Y.O.U. Creeer Coach Heather Goode. “Ms. Goode kept me on the right path, she was like a second mother to me,” said Zharia.

“I don’t think I would have graduated if it wasn’t for the JOG Program,” she exclaimed. She mentioned that before placement into our JOG Program (a for-credit course course that focuses on career development, high school graduation, post-high school success, and employability and leadership skills) she was less focused on school and her grades suffered. The JOG program developed other skills within her and helped her understand the value of completing high school. “I got serious when I realized this program could help me find a job,” she said. “Having extra money motivated me to want to finish,” she added.

Learning about Zharia’s experience was motivating for our entire staff. She was joined by her infant daughter, who is motivating Zharia to work harder.. She is currently employed full-time and mentioned that professionals at Y.O.U. also helped her to secure her current job. “This program was helped me out a lot, I wouldn’t be where I am today if it wasn’t for Y.O.U.,” she said.

We are proud of Zharia’s growth and excited for what the future holds. Stories like these inspire us to continue the work we do, helping teens and young adults obtain economic self sufficiency.


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