Josh and Maria Cribbs visit Y.O.U.!

Former Cleveland Browns Player, Josh Cribbs, and his wife, local media personality Maria Cribbs, recently visited Y.O.U. to address our Generation graduates. The Generation Program is a training program within our Young Adult Opportunities Program (YAOP). The 6-week credential training opportunity teaches young people communication, critical thinking, and customer service skills. Participants are paid a stipend during the training and have an opportunity to interview for full-time jobs upon completion.

The Cribbs’, whose show appears weekdays at 9 am on CBS 19, spoke to our four participants about perseverance and the power of working hard to achieve your goals. “We are here because we’re proud of you. You are taking your lives into your own hands to achieve great things,” said Maria Cribbs. “We didn’t get here over night. It also took hard work for us. Stay at it,” said Josh Cribbs.

The graduates were four young women who left excited and optimistic about their futures. One of the participants moved from Newark, New Jersey weeks before the start of the program with her mom. “I’m proud of her. After moving here she jumped right in,” said the participant’s mom

YAOP offers this opportunity and more to young adults between the ages of 18 and 24. Interested candidates can contact 216-973-0037 for additional details.


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