Gabriel’s Flight

Gabriel Leonard is a 15-year-old student at Cleveland Metropolitan School District’s Davis Aerospace & Maritime High School. He has ambitious dreams of becoming a pilot.


Gabriel is a part of the Internship program this year. As a NASA intern, he’s been building a space rover and learning about acoustic dampening with his mentor, Kyle Zimmerle.

When the Intern Employment Specialist Jerry Armstrong learned about Gabriel’s desire to be a pilot, he tracked down local pilot Shawn George, a graduate of Shaw High School. Shawn took Gabriel up in his plane on August 20, 2021.

To learn more about becoming a Y.O.U. Intern, click on the link below!

Thank you to Shawn George for filming the flight and sharing the footage. Video made by Allie Levin.

Wrapping Up the Rain Barrel 2021 Program


WKYC reports: “For local youths, a summer job provides valuable exposure to the work world”