Y.O.U. Stories

Y.O.U. Opens Two New Locations
Y.O.U. is growing! We now have four offices to call home; Y.O.U. – Sterling (1255 Euclid Avenue); Y.O.U. - United Way (1361 Euclid Ave); YRC (1910 Carnegie Avenue); and Y.O.U. - Summer Youth Employment at the Post Office Plaza. The two newest offices house the Young Adult Resource Center at Ohio Means Jobs and the Day One and ProPath programs.

In Case You Missed It: Y.O.U. Resources Featured on WKYC News
Y.O.U.'s Day One program and the Young Adult Resource Center were recently featured on 'Possible U.' 'Possible U' is a partnership between The Cleveland Foundation and WKYC News profiling organizations providing workforce opportunities to Northeast Ohio residents.