Summer employment provides more than just a job!

Gabe had a rough 10th grade year. He and his father just couldn’t live together, so Gabe went to reside with his grandmother. When Gabe’s therapist told him about the Y.O.U. summer jobs program, his family signed him up. Gabe was placed at his high school working with the maintenance department. He’ll never forget his first paycheck. “I took out $100, saving $50 of it, to purchase a phone. I was amazed. I had never had more than $50 my entire life!”

When Gabe was having problems with one of the school workers, his Y.O.U. job coach and mentor listened to his concerns and figured out a better position where he could be successful at work. Having a trusted adult and job responsibilities changed Gabe’s outlook on his life. A job helped him build a routine. He was no longer sitting in his room doing nothing; he was working and earning money. He proved to himself that he could fulfill his work and home obligations. Looking back, Gabe says he matured that summer, so much so he was able to reconcile with his father and move back home.

He’s doing better in school and loves art and music. Gabe is saving money to take driving lessons and finally sees a path for his future. “My dad owns an extermination company. Someday I want to work beside him and help him expand his business.” Gabe is one of thousands of young people whom Y.O.U. helps find their dreams.

From summer jobs to school-based programs to credential training for 18-24-year-olds, Y.O.U. meets the youth in our community where they are, creating caring relationships and building resiliency against barriers that prevent them from achieving success.

We are currently accepting applications for our Summer Youth Employment Program and Young Adult Opportunities Program. If you are 14 to 24 years of age (or know someone who is), apply today!


Young adults in Y.O.U. IT program continue to succeed remotely


Summer Jobs Mean Balanced Kids