Youth Opportunities Unlimited

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UnitedHealthcare and R.A.K.E. Donate School Supplies to Y.O.U. Students

UnitedHealthcare and Random Acts of Kindness Everywhere (R.A.K.E.) surprised Y.O.U. staff and students with a generous donation of school supplies.

This donation means no student shows up to school empty handed and each of the Y.O.U. school based program participants has the tools necessary to start the academic year off right.

UnitedHealthcare serves millions of people from their earliest years through retirement, helping people live healthier lives and make the health system work better for everyone.

R.A.K.E. is a movement started by Ricky 'Rickonia' Smith to get people across the globe doing something for others with no strings attached. You can learn more about R.A.K.E. by heading over to its

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