Happy Holidays from Y.O.U.!

The holidays are upon us and, for Y.O.U., that means a time to give thanks.

From volunteers to employers, staff to donors, participants to sponsors, we are grateful for the unwavering dedication, support, and generosity of our community.

Because of your support, we were able to reach more than 6,000 teens and young adults from economically distressed communities this year and expand our school-based programming to Lorain County. In more good news, Y.O.U. was tapped to lead a consortium of youth workforce development and training. And it’s because of you that teens and young adults in Cuyahoga, Lake, and Lorain counties are on a path to economic self-sufficiency.


We wish you, our valued community members, a joyous and safe holiday season and prosperous new year!


Y.O.U. Holiday Hours


Young Entrepreneurs Shop Till They Drop