Meet Vanessa Green of Panache Pastries & Treats

Thursday, August 17, 2023 

One of our Y.O.U. interns, Vanessa Green is a driven individual who started a baking business on top of her internship at SITE Centers and being a student at Cleveland Heights high school. Vanessa was just featured in Voyage Ohio for her baking business, Panache Pastries & Treats.

Today we’d like to introduce you to Vanessa Green.

Hi Vanessa, so excited to have you with us today. What can you tell us about your story? 
Hello, I am Vanessa Green and CEO of Panache Pastries & Treats. Currently, I am 17 years of age, and I began my journey of starting my company when I was 14 years old. I am beyond proud of myself to see the growth personally and how I have developed into a professional young adult. 

I began baking in the kitchen with my grandmother and branching off to work independently and carry on her legacy. At the height of the Pandemic in 2020, I needed an outlet to find joy in my life amidst the chaos, which became a reality for two years. Throughout this period, I realized baking had brought me a constant joy that I have never gained from anything else. I took the time to focus and hone my skills to develop myself into the baker I know I could become. Watching and observing was important during a time when social distancing prevented me from being in a culinary class setting. Self-learning is a process of trial and error as you see the progression from when you started to the present. Meeting with clientele and getting feedback from the community is what pushed me to continuously work. I officially established my business in July of 2023 formally. 

Panache Pastries & Treats works with a variety of individuals and companies. I work closely with event coordinators and planners within our city. Through my collaborations with these companies, I am able to network and branch out to find more people who are interested in my work. The age bracket can range from 18-65 for my target market. 

This summer I applied and was selected for an Entrepreneurship Academy sponsored by Novaturient Industries. It was an intensive six-week program that allowed me to further the development of my business. With other local young entrepreneurs. Working closely with Dr. Luciana Gilmore, I had the opportunity to gain professional constructive feedback as to how to operate in the business world. I am beyond grateful for the experience. I learned from her, and my gratitude is immeasurable. 

Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way? Looking back, would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
This journey has had its share of ups and downs. I’ve had my moments of doubt at various times. Perseverance has been a key factor in accomplishing the goals I set for myself. I began my journey when there was a global pandemic, and it had an effect of everything around me. As an outgoing person, it became hard to interact with customers and be active in my community, which is important to me. Being a social and outgoing person, I always want to network and gain new experiences with my clientele. Now that we are back to a new normal, it has been something long missed. Helping to make a positive impact in my community by mentoring upcoming young entrepreneurs is something I am excited to be a part of. Staying focused and knowing that when one path is blocked, I will do what’s necessary within reason to remain on the track of success. 

Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next, you can tell us a bit more about your business.
Panache Pastries & Treats is a local superlative bakery. Panache Pastries & Treats seeks to provide our customers with homemade desserts baked with love for all occasions. 

Striving to use high-quality ingredients for satisfactory results within each item every time. A culture of inclusiveness catering to all customers we come across creating unity in our community. 

Our preferred market age demographic ranges from ages 18-65. As an exclusive luxury bakery, we strive to provide high-quality desserts for executive businesses, independent corporations, private catered events, and independent special occasions. 

We sell an array of baked goods. Custom cakes, cupcakes, chocolate-dipped strawberries, caramel apples, cookies, sweet potato pie, and more. Our products are to be serviced to the community through pop-up events, farmers’ markets, and seasonal specials. The business will help aid the community in having a reliable baker for all occasions as the task of baking can be stressful to planners. 

Our unique feature is the ability to adapt to our customer base needs to provide an array of desserts to any occasion. In opposition to competitors who only focus on a singular skill set. Panache Pastries & Treats provides an array of desserts with a wide range of skills to Servicing to different demographics that establishes a creative edge with our competitors. 

I am most proud brand-wise to say our company is founded by a young female teen entrepreneur. It a blessing to receive feedback from others applauding my hard work and individual determination to start my own company at such a young age. Being a part of a minority group as a female African American business owner. I am proud to be a part of the representing faces of a flourishing underrepresented demographic. 

In terms of your work and the industry, what are some of the changes you are expecting to see over the next five to ten years?
Within the next 5-10 years, I plan continuously pique interest in the food industry. As we currently see, it is becoming more common for customers to shy away from large chain restaurants and companies. Their focus has truly shifted to highlight the small business in the area. We are offering something that large corporations are focus on, which is providing high-quality products. Listening to the feedback of our customers and making necessary changes within our market. Panache Pastries & Treats plans to stay long term and serve those who enjoy custom baked goods in the convience of their neighborhood. 

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