Youth Opportunities Unlimited

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Brenda Stark Award Winner 2023: Tyelisha Johnson of ELA

Monday, March 20, 2023

The Brenda Stark Award, in memory of a Y.O.U. staff member, recognizes an extraordinary front-line youth development worker operating in the nonprofit arena.

Congratulations to our 2023 winner, Tylisha Johnson!

Founder and Executive Director of ELA Flo Brett says, “Many of the students today Tylisha works with have been written off as high risk or left without the support they need to unearth their potential and thrive. Tylisha takes all her energy every single day into investing in these young people actually going into our prison environments and working with these young men and women as they're making this transition back out into the world.” See Flo present the Brenda Stark Award to Tyelisha Johnson in the video below.