Youth Opportunities Unlimited

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Summer Jobs Participant shares what Cleveland needs in the next Mayor

Ideastream met with Jermale Tisdale Jr. and his mother Linyana Lane at the Y.O.U. offices earlier this summer to hear a young person’s perspective on what Cleveland needs in a new mayor. Hear their comments in the “After Jackson: Cleveland's Next Mayor - Episode 13: The Debate” podcast.

“When you look at other suburbs, they are doing way more than what the city of Cleveland is doing for as far as these kids (go). They are walking up down the streets. There is nothing for these kids to do. So they need to have something where these kids can have after school activities. Do something for the kids. Stop letting the city go down, investing in the wrong things when we have youth who need a lot of help.”

-Linyana Lane, Summer Jobs Participant Parent

Jermale learned the meaning of a dollar and better appreciates the support he gets from his parents after having a summer job with Y.O.U.

Listen to Jermale and his mother speak in the podcast starting at 25 minutes, 17 seconds.