Youth Opportunities Unlimited

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Y.O.U. Teen Chosen for Prestigious Student Leader Internship

Every summer Bank of America chooses four Cleveland high school juniors and seniors to participate in the Bank of America Student Leaders, a paid summer internship experience of leadership, civic engagement, and workforce skills-building. This year JOG student Diamond Boyd, a recent graduate of Glenville High School, received the honor.

Due to Covid-19 concerns, the program was adapted to a virtual format. Students participate in sessions that expose them to the vital role nonprofits play in advancing community health, the importance of public-private partnerships to advance social change, and a focus on building financial acumen. 

Cleveland Student Leaders participate in programming that leverages Bank of America’s national partnerships and expertise and work closely with the bank’s Ohio leadership and nonprofit partners. They participate in a collaborative, mentoring-focused project working closely with Greater Cleveland Foodbank on a project focused on diversity, inclusion, and equity. In addition, Student Leaders engage in conversations focused on social justice, civil rights, and how to build a more diverse and inclusive society and have gained a better understanding of their personal finances through Better Money Habits®, Bank of America’s financial wellness and education platform.

Y.O.U. is very proud of Diamond and her outstanding achievements. We can't wait to see what the future holds for her. Thank you to Bank of America for teaching young people the role that citizenship and cross sector collaboration have in creating community impact.