Janelle's Y.O.U. journey to success

Janelle in her Customer Care class
Janelle in her Customer Care class
If I could get a job at Y.O.U., I would.
— Janelle Humphrey

We love that Janelle speaks so highly of the opportunities Y.O.U. provides for Northeast Ohios youth! Janelle first heard about Y.O.U. through the summer jobs program where she worked at Thurgood Marshall Recreation Center as a teen. Then she enrolled in the E CITY and Jobs for Ohios Graduates (JOG) programs at Glenville High School.


In the E CITY entrepreneurship class, Janelle learned how to create a business plan and to budget her expenses and revenue. Janelle still operates the digital art to canvas business she created for the programs end-of-year competition. Her commercial promoting the business won E CITY’s “best commercial video” in 2019! JOG helped Janelle with her resume writing skills and gave her confidence when interviewing with prospective employers.


Fast forward to the summer after her high school graduation and Janelle didnt have a plan. With a toddler at home and another baby on the way, she was directionless. Janelle knew she wanted to continue her art business, but she didnt know how to get there.


At the annual alumni picnic, Janelle met a Y.O.U. recruitment specialist named Artemus who told her about the customer care credential training program. She had enjoyed her past experiences working at a downtown shoe store, taking the time to help customers find exactly what they want. The program seemed a good fit.


That fall Janelle enrolled in the six-week customer care program. It was the BEST class. It was small, and everyone was super warm and friendly. We bonded right away. Trainers Marissa and Joe were so helpful,she says.


Janelle admits it wasnt easy. Being pregnant, having to dress professionally, and getting to class by 8:30 each morning taught her self-control and how real life works. You have to make personal choices, some of which can be hard or inconvenient.


After earning her credential in October 2019, Janelle took part in the four-week work experience program at Cocos Chalky Paint retail store. In early December, Janelle was hired as a fax representative at Cardinal Health, which meant a 45-minute Lyft ride each way.


On Christmas Eve, Janelle had her daughter, Braelyn. After her 11-week paid maternity leave, she thought she would have to quit her job. Her plans to get her driver’s license and buy a car during the leave didnt happen. Her employment specialist, Denneth, helped Janelle secure a letter from her doctor saying she could return to work and negotiated with Cardinal Health to keep the job. Then COVID-19 hit, allowing Janelle to work from home. She appreciates being allowed to work from home, helping people and staying active on the computer.


Janelles dream for the future is expanding her art business. I want to wake up every day and love my job. I want to invest money in my business and have something to leave behind for my babies. I want to step outside the box and do something different than others. Art is important. Dont get me wrong. It has not been easy. As a teen mom, I have encountered many trials, but I know Im on the right path for my familys future.


We at Y.O.U. believe in Janelle as much as she believes in herself!

Do you know an 18- to 24-year-old looking for a new opportunity? Visit here for more information.


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