Devontae Skills Up to Reach His Dream

Devontae Banks dreams of working with young men and giving them the guidance he received as a high school student. “I want to be present. I want to be reliable when someone comes calling for help because there weren’t many people in my life like that.”

Devontae is the second oldest of nine siblings. He credits the mentoring he received as a Baldwin Wallace University Scholar at John Adams High School and his Y.O.U. summer jobs for helping him be a role model to his younger brothers and sisters. Devontae’s first job at 14 years old was at an elementary school. “With my first paycheck ever, I bought my own clothes,” he says. “I also received tutoring from Y.O.U. It was the best year of my life!”

After graduating from Baldwin Wallace University in 2019, Devontae worked as temp with an agency, but he felt like he needed to build his skills in order to reach his professional goals. “If I want to be a mentor, I need to be able to know where to find the answers in order to guide them properly.”

So he turned to the place that got him started: Y.O.U.

Devontae enrolled in the IT Credential Training Program, which includes three weeks of job readiness training. His trainer, Koya, connected him with other people in the community who are working with youth and social justice issues. Another Y.O.U. staffer, Artemus, reintroduced him to the former director of the Scholars program who now is with Ginn Academy.

He feels like his life has come full circle. “God put me in this position. He brought Artemus and Koya into my life. I just know I’m heading in the right direction.”

To learn more about opportunities for young adults, visit Young Adult Opportunities Program.


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