Y.O.U. partners with Dominion Energy for Careers in Energy Week!

This week our Employer Relations Team partnered with Dominion Energy for Careers in Energy Week. Young Adults traveled to Dominions’ training facility in Hudson, Ohio to learn about the entry level positions and the career paths at Dominion Energy. It was very engaging as the group had the opportunity to learn about natural gas and tour the training facility to see the different equipment that entry level technicians use in the field daily.

Attendees had lunch with Dominion Staff and were given additional insight on how to build an employee profile and successfully complete an online application. We are excited about this partnership and the prospect of our young adults joining Dominion Energy.

Are you a young adult between the ages of 18 to 24 interested in learning more about our employment opportunities? Call us today. We can help!


Y.O.U. Talks Workforce Programs on TV20


What to do about rising poverty? Get disengaged youth back to school and/or work