Youth Opportunities Unlimited

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Life and professional skills with1,000 Ties and Y.O.U.

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Watch Ronnie Cannon (1,000 Ties board member) and Sam Hayest (Y.O.U. Participant Recruitment Specialist) speak to Leon Bibb of We The People.

Published: January 15, 2023

Last week Y.O.U. sat down with 1,000 Ties and Leon Bibb of We the People to talk about mentoring young adults. Leon Bibb agrees with the mission of 1,000 Ties to enhance the quality of life for our youth. “Something magical happens when a young man learns to tie a tie.” Leon says, “It could be a moment that young boy remembers for the rest of his life. A local organization, 1,000 Ties will make sure more local young men will have someone in their lives who will not only make sure they can tie a tie but be successful in other areas of life.”

Sam Hayest shares “Y.O.U. compliments what 1,000 ties does really well. 1,000 ties focuses on the life skills, we focus on the workplace skills. Our programs offer resume writing and mock interview skills. We teach our young adults, 18-24 years old, financial literacy - all of the skills they may not get in a classroom but they still need to be successful outside of the work experience. Our goal at the end of the day is to make sure there is always someone in the young adult’s corner who cares about them and it willing to show up for them.”

See Y.O.U. at the 1,000 Ties basketball game on February 18, 2023 at Warrensville Heights High School. Preregister at the link below:

4270 Northfield Rd. Warrensville Heights, Ohio