College Program

About College Credit Plus

Cleveland State University (CSU), Cleveland Department of Public Utilities, & Youth Opportunities Unlimited have partnered to offer a unique opportunity! Students can take a free college course in environmental science and get paid to do a group project related to what is being taught in class.

Students who have participated in this class/project leave with incredible resume building experiences, and three transferable college credits in Introduction to Environmental Science from Cleveland State University. The course covers information from various topics including pollution, environmental law, stream discharge, energy production, climate change and agriculture.

Work Experience

Program participants work 20 hours per week for 8 weeks, focusing on environmental science initiatives to make the City of Cleveland a better place. A significant amount of time is spent collecting data for phase one environmental science assessments (ESA). The ESA data helps to facilitate the development of polluted, worn-down, abandoned properties in the City of Cleveland. In addition, the program aids in the process of evaluating a Cleveland Neighborhood Progress project towards re-purposing vacant land. These valuable learning experiences are just the tip of the iceberg with the ability to conduct laboratory experiments, learn proper evaluation and documentation techniques, develop critical thinking skills and more!

CSU Enrollment Requirements

In order to apply CSU's College Credit Plus program you must have 2.3 GPA or above, and have taken either the SAT or ACT. It is not necessary to take both standardized tests to apply to the program. Students who meet the English scores ACT/SAT test requirements, but fall below the required math score, may elect to take CSU's Math Placement Test, for admission. Applicants must be able to complete the entire program from June to August, to earn credit for this course. Students who participate in the College Program are enrolled in CSU and the Mayor Frank G. Jackson's Summer Youth Employment Program.

  • Grade Point Average: 2.3 or above

  • ACT: Composite Score: 16 or above, English Score: 20 or above, Math Score: 22 or above

  • or

  • SAT: Critical Reading Score: 470 or above, Math Score: 520 or Above


SYEP Internships