Hello, valued Employers.

Youth Opportunities Unlimited (Y.O.U.) is unveiling the Young Adults Opportunities Program (Y.A.O.P.), which is a wonderful opportunity for your company to initiate or continue your support of our valuable and up-and-coming young adults! Pave the way as one of our guiding and leading employers.

Young adults who participate in the program will work in entry level positions and receive wages paid by Y.O.U. Your company is invited to participate. Under your direct guidance and supervision, young adults will work 20 - 30 hours each week.

Last year, with your help, Y.O.U. staff placed 1,419 teens and young adults in its successful summer jobs program. The youth experienced the pride that comes with earning an income, were exposed to different and varied career paths, and learned essential on-the-job skills. Their supervisors and mentors helped them grow as people and started them on their journey to becoming economically self-sufficient. We are pleased to expand the summer program to include young adults who are post-high school age and are wishing to pursue new, productive endeavors that will allow them to build lifelong skills, contributing to our Northeast Ohio community.

If want to partner with us, registration is easy. All you have to do is click here.

And, if you’re interested in learning more, our Employer Relations Team is glad to answer your questions and walk you through the online registration process.

Questions? Email tbuckner@youcle.org.

Our employers’ involvement in this program makes a real difference in the lives of young adults in Northeast Ohio and our region’s local economy. Our programming wouldn’t be possible without you!