Our Employment Programs


Since 1982, Y.O.U. has connected youth in Northeast Ohio with employment opportunities. We serve youth 14-24 years of age in a variety of industries.


Young Adult Employment Program

Y.O.U. has paid employment and training opportunities available for 18-24-year-olds in the year-round young adult employment program. Subsidized and employer-paid jobs are available to young adults throughout Cuyahoga County.

Summer Youth Employment Program

Y.O.U. has paid employment and training opportunities available for 14-19-year-olds in our Summer Youth Employment Program. Subsidized and employer-paid jobs are available to teens throughout Cuyahoga County.

Credential Training Program

Designed for young adults 18-24, Y.O.U. Credential Training Program prepares students for careers in high-demand professions including customer service, call centers, and hospitality. This program provides you with high-quality training, social support services and guaranteed interviews with employers after you graduate. All at no cost to you.

Young Adult Resource Center

A downtown center for 14-24-year-olds looking for employment, career planning, academic assistance, training, and support for life’s challenges.